Continuity of Education

Continuity of Education

We are proud that our School and Nursery has remained open for key worker children throughout the COVID-19 crisis, while their parents carry out essential work on behalf of our community. The School has felt very quiet without the excitement and laughter of all our children but we have enjoyed coming together as a community for our virtual assemblies.

Our remote learning has been tailored to the capabilities and concentration span of our differing class groups throughout the past term. We have chosen not to impose a single way of remote working across all classes, as year groups learn in different ways as they progress through the School.

"The amount of effort to make sure the girls are keeping up with work and being part of the Rydes Hill community while also dealing with weekly changes to how the school can operate is incredible. I'm especially grateful for the return to school booklet as it answers a lot of questions" Current Parent

Our aim has been to set work that children can predominantly complete independently as we are conscious that we do not want our children to become reliant on an adult supporting them the whole time.

For those year groups that will not be returning on Monday 1st June, our class teachers will continue to be on hand every day to provide live guidance online or via pre-recorded teaching videos. The innovative application, 'Showbie', has enabled our teachers to assign, collect, and review student work whist our children can easily download and edit documents sent by their class teacher.

"Thanks for all great work you and the team are doing in these very uncertain times. Our Lower Prep teachers have been absolutely outstanding. You must be very proud of them."Current Parent

    We have been busy behind the scenes preparing for the return of Nursery, Kindergarten, Lower Transition and Form One from June 1st. We have been thrilled to see how our Rydes Hill community have come together to support each other during these challenging times and we look forward to seeing all Rydes Hill families back at School in the not-so-distant future.

    For any admissions enquiries, please email Ms O'Neill at and she will be happy to help and advise you or arrange a Virtual Personal Tour with our Headmistress. Alternatively, simply click on the link below to fill out a short form:

    Contact Admissions