Inspection reports

Inspection reports

Rydes Hill has received 'Excellent' across the board for the past three ISI inspections with the most recent inspection being in June 2017. 'Excellent' is the highest grade that can be awarded to Independent Schools and we are justly proud of our staff for their outstanding commitment and the level of care they give to each and every child that passes through our doors.

"The success of the school's initiatives to enhance pupils' personal development owes much to: the clear expectations promoted by staff, who provide excellent role models; the strong and supportive pastoral care framework, that enhances pupils' confidence and well-being; and the care and attention provided by teaching and non­-teaching staff alike throughout the school."ISI Inspection, June 2017

The link below will take you to the ISI Inspection Reports from June 2017

ISI Inspection Report June 2017

The link below will take you to the ISI Compliance Inspection Report from October 2022


The link below will take you to the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Denominational Catholic School Inspection report January 2020

Arundel and Brighton Denominational Catholic School Inspection Report January 2020