Our Rydes Hill Uniform
Our distinctive uniform is worn by all pupils from Nursery to Form One. The uniform can be purchased from Valentino Schoolwear from their shop in Knaphill or via their website.
For a full list of ITEMS required, please refer to our SCHOOL UNIFORM LIST
Second Hand Uniform Shop
The Friends of Rydes Hill (FRHPS) kindly run a well-stocked second hand Uniform Shop to provide a cost-effective method for families to purchase certain items of school uniform. Proceeds from the Uniform Shop are a key part of the fundraising activities of the FRHPS, which benefits the School Community as a whole.
The uniform shop is run by Mrs Mansi and two FRHPS Reps. Please complete your order through ParentMail Shop or email frhps.uniformshop@gmail.com with full details (item, size) of what you need. Orders will then be collected and given to your child to take home with them. The FRHPS Reps will also run pop up shops during coffee mornings or afterschool. Notice of pop-up shops will be given via Parent Mail or the School newsletter.
The Uniform Shop is staffed by parent volunteers who kindly give up their time to provide this service to the School Community. Please ensure the guidelines below are followed at all times, in relation to donations and purchases. A link to the T&C's and Price List are below:
Second Hand Uniform Price List